
On this page we keep track of some of the more interesting wildlife sightings that we have.  For each sighting, there will be a link to find more information on that critter. 

05 August 2022

Sheepshead are common around oyster reefs, mangroves, docks, and pilings.  They get their name from their large incisor teeth, which resemble those of a sheep.  They use these teeth to chomp on barnacles, oysters, and other shellfish.  Sheepshead are a highly-prized food fish in the southeast U.S.  When you hear them crunching on stuff clinging to your boat's hull, you know it's time to clean your bottom. 

Sheepshead, Archosargus probatocephalus



 27 July 2022

Eastern kingbirds have nested in the rigging of several boats here at the marina.  Building your nest on the mast spreaders of a sailboat is clever; no snakes, raccoons, or other terrestrial nest predators are likely to get your babies.  But the fledglings' first flight from the nest is pretty hazardous when there is water in every direction.  Janet rescued four fledglings that ended up in the drink next to our dock (or maybe it was one chick that she rescued 4 times).   

One lucky rescuee.

This rescuee was joined by one of his clutchmates. 

The rescuer and her preferred rescue implement.  (This may look like the dog's tennis ball launcher but it's really an FRD, fledgling rescue device.) 


24 July 2022

Great Blue Heron

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